Server Side
🌐 Endpoint:
⚙ HttpMethod: GET
📑 Response Format: JSON
Generic Query String Parameters
LandingPageToken: This Token will be provided by your account manager
Device: Desktop or Mobile. Some 3rd Party AdNetworks or Private Exchange Campaigns might require this value to be provided when using Server Side integration
ClientIP: This is the user’s IP
CurrentURL: Optional, the URL where listings will be displayed
SourceID: Optional, tracking variable
ExtClickID: Optional, tracking variable
- UserAgent: Optional, Mozilla/() ()
- CustomVar1: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar2: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar3: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar4: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar5: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
Specific Query String Parameters for Mortgage Refinance
Query String Params Names | Data Type | Allowed Values |
zipcode | string | 5 char US zip code |
State* | string | 2 char US state code (Uppercase) |
creditscore* | string | Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor |
loanbalance | int | 0-10000000 |
propertyvalue | int | 0-10000000 |
CashOut* | string | Yes, No |
MediaChannel* | string | Social, Facebook, Native, Email, Display, SEM, SEO, SMS, Push, Affiliate, ChannelA, ChannelB, ChannelC, ChannelD, ChannelE |
MilitaryStatus* | string | Yes, No |
EmploymentStatus* | string | Employed, Self-Employed, Retired, Not Employed |
PropertyUse* | string | Primary Home, Second Home, Rental Property |
PropertyType* | string | Single Family, Multi-Unit, Condo/Townhome, Mobile, Other |
HomeListed* | string | Yes, No |
SellTimeFrame* | string | Now, 3_Months, 6_Months, 1_Year, Unknown |
FName ± | string | |
LName ± | string | |
Email ± | string | |
Phone ± | string | |
Address ± | string | |
City ± | string |
*Case Sensitive
±PII Fields
API Response
destURL: This is the Click URL. Please use the value from this field when a click is triggered.
impressionUrl: In the event that you are not planning to render all listings returned by this API you need to use this trigger. This is a call back URL to track live impressions. If a listing is displayed in your result set, please trigger the impressionUrl of that listing.
displayUrl: This is the value from “Display URL” in the Campaign Ad Copy.
trackingURL: This is a Image Pixel to track leads or form submits from Clicks. This is optional to implement, but it is used to provide traceability from a click to a lead submit.
revenue: Actual payout per click based on bid modifiers.
baseRevenue: Base bid per click. It’ll vary based on bid modifiers.
bidModifierLog: The log that shows how the baseRevenue bid was modified.
advertiserName: The name of the advertiser - The ID of the advertiser.
campaignPhoneNumber: A unique phone number assigned to the campaign to track and measure calls.
callToAction: Text displayed on a clickable button or element, encouraging users to initiate a phone call.
ctaLabel: New Specifies the text displayed on the call-to-action button.
adResultCallStatusID: An ID representing the campaign’s call status, where:
ID | Status | Allows calls |
1 | Click To Call is Active | TRUE |
8 | Campaign is out of schedule | FALSE |
13 | Click to Call Monthly Cap Reached | FALSE |
14 | Click to Call Daily Cap reached | FALSE |
15 | Click to Call is Off | FALSE |
16 | Campaign is off | FALSE |
Example response:
{ "searchResultId": "724829af-612a-44a7-befc-fcbede540c28", "duration": 853, "items": [ { "itemId": "131", "brandName": "Rate Chopper", "networkSort": 1, "requestDuration": 679, "sourceID": null, "extClickID": null, "advertiserId": "34", "advertiserName": "LendingTree - 1", "displayName": "Save On Your Mortgage Today", "headline": "Get Offers Customized Only to You From 2.14% APR<br />Take Advantage of Historic Low Rates. Can't Hurt to Look<br />Hundreds of Lenders Available<br />Only Takes 2 Minutes to Check", "blurbs": [ "Get Offers Customized Only to You From 2.14% APR", "Take Advantage of Historic Low Rates. Can't Hurt to Look", "Hundreds of Lenders Available", "Only Takes 2 Minutes to Check" ], "imageUrl": "", "destUrl": " Career College&Title=Earn A Business Office Administration Diploma - Start Building A Future You Can Be Proud Of&CB=1VawjEjip8ij5oaSZJZ0mw==&M=4XarSvqYDCayCqZpzLZFSg==&Weight=9.00&BidModifiers=50.00&NetworkAdID=458&SourceID=&LandingPageURL=", "impressionUrl": "", "displayUrl": "", "revenue": 9.00, "baseRevenue" : 6.00, "bidModifierLog": [ "Consumer Credit: Good - Value: 50.00%", "States: CA - Value: -10.00%", "Tuesday: 14:18 - Value: 10.00%" ], "weight": 9.5, "statusId": 1, "trackingURL": "", "campaignPhoneNumber": "+11234567890", "callToAction": "Call Now", "adResultCallStatusID": 1, "ctaLabel": "Request Info" } ]}
External Ad Networks Setup Optional
To integrate the following Ad Networks, MAO will need the following values.
Media Alpha
Additional Optional Parameters for
Param Name | Data Type | Allowed Values |
CurrentInterestRate | decimal | 0 - 99.99 |
TimeFrameToBuy | string | 30 days (Offer Pending or Signed Purchase Agreement), 2-3 Months, 3-6 Months, Researching Options |
CurrentMortgageProvider | string | AAG/American Advisors Group, AmeriHome Mortgage, AmeriSave Mortgage, Bank of America, Bank of England, Truist Financial, Better Mortgage, Caliber Home Loans, Carrington Mortgage, Cenlar, Chase, Citi, Citizens Bank, CrossCountry Mortgage, Ditech, Fairway Independent Mortgage, Fifth Third Bank, Finance of America Mortgage, First Guaranty Mortgage Corp, Freedom Mortgage Corp, Guaranteed Rate, Homepoint Financial, Huntington National Bank, LoanCare, loanDepot, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Mr. Cooper/Nationstar, Navy Federal Credit Union, New American Funding, New Day USA, NewRez, Ocwen, PenFed Credit Union, PennyMac Loan Services, PHH Mortgage, PNC Mortgage, Quicken Loans Inc, Rocket Mortgage, RoundPoint Mortgage, Shellpoint, Specialized Loan Servicing, Sun West Mortgage, SunTrust, United Share Financial Services, United Wholesale Mortgage, US Bank Home Mortgage, USAA Federal Savings Bank, Veterans United, Wells Fargo & Company, Other, I Don’t Know, No Lender (Loan Paid Off) |