Life Insurance
Server Side
🌐 Endpoint:
⚙ HttpMethod: GET
📑 Response Format: JSON
Generic Query String Parameters
LandingPageToken: This Token will be provided by your account manager
Device: Desktop or Mobile. Some 3rd Party AdNetworks or Private Exchange Campaigns might require this value to be provided when using Server Side integration
ClientIP: This is the user’s IP
CurrentURL: Optional, the URL where listings will be displayed
SourceID: Optional, tracking variable
ExtClickID: Optional, tracking variable
- UserAgent: Optional, Mozilla/() ()
- CustomVar1: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar2: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar3: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar4: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
- CustomVar5: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
Specific Query String Parameters for Life Insurance
Query String Params Names | Data Type | Allowed Values |
ZipCode | string | 5 char US zip code |
State* | string | 2 char US state code (Uppercase) |
CurrentPolicy* | string | Yes, No |
EmploymentStatus* | string | Employed, Self-Employed, Retired, Not Employed |
CoverageAmount | int | 0 - 5000000 |
InsuranceType | string | Term, Whole, Final Expense |
Gender* | string | Male, Female |
MilitaryStatus* | string | Yes, No |
Married* | string | Married, Single |
PreCondition* | string | Yes, No |
TobaccoUse* | string | Yes, No |
Age | integer | 1 - 99 |
MediaChannel | string | Social, Facebook, Native, Email, Display, SEM, SEO, SMS, Push, Affiliate, ChannelA, ChannelB, ChannelC, ChannelD, ChannelE |
FName ± | string | |
LName ± | string | |
Email ± | string | |
Phone ± | string | |
Address ± | string | |
City ± | string |
*Case Sensitive
±PII Fields
API Response
destURL: This is the Click URL. Please use the value from this field when a click is triggered.
impressionUrl: In the event that you are not planning to render all listings returned by this API you need to use this trigger. This is a call back URL to track live impressions. If a listing is displayed in your result set, please trigger the impressionUrl of that listing.
displayUrl: This is the value from “Display URL” in the Campaign Ad Copy.
trackingURL: This is a Image Pixel to track leads or form submits from Clicks. This is optional to implement, but it is used to provide traceability from a click to a lead submit.
revenue: Actual payout per click based on bid modifiers.
baseRevenue: Base bid per click. It’ll vary based on bid modifiers.
bidModifierLog: The log that shows how the baseRevenue bid was modified.
advertiserName: The name of the advertiser - The ID of the advertiser
campaignPhoneNumber: A unique phone number assigned to the campaign to track and measure calls.
callToAction: Text displayed on a clickable button or element, encouraging users to initiate a phone call.
ctaLabel: New Specifies the text displayed on the call-to-action button.
adResultCallStatusID: An ID representing the campaign’s call status, where:
ID | Status | Allows calls |
1 | Click To Call is Active | TRUE |
8 | Campaign is out of schedule | FALSE |
13 | Click to Call Monthly Cap Reached | FALSE |
14 | Click to Call Daily Cap reached | FALSE |
15 | Click to Call is Off | FALSE |
16 | Campaign is off | FALSE |
Example response:
{ "searchResultId": "e7eadf56-87b3-41a2-8c05-457523caf2a0", "duration": 869, "items": [ { "itemId": "181", "brandName": "Provide Insurance", "networkSort": 1, "requestDuration": 666, "sourceID": null, "extClickID": null, "advertiserId": "111", "advertiserName": "TruStage - 970", "displayName": "Get Better Home Insurance Rates!", "headline": "Homeowners are shocked at this Genius Tip <br />Compare 3+ Rates at Once for Max Savings!<br />See if you Qualify for Lower Home Insurance<br />Save Today with a Fast Free Quote!", "blurbs": [ "Homeowners are shocked at this Genius Tip ", "Compare 3+ Rates at Once for Max Savings!", "See if you Qualify for Lower Home Insurance", "Save Today with a Fast Free Quote!" ], "imageUrl": "", "destUrl": " Insurance&Title=Get Better Home Insurance Rates!&CB=MxI+ul0svmqhIc6i55uEoA==&M=4XarSvqYDCayCqZpzLZFSg==&Weight=9.75&BidModifiers=50.00&NetworkAdID=181&SourceID=&LandingPageURL=" , "displayURL": "" "impressionUrl": "", "revenue": 9.75, "baseRevenue": 6.50, "bidModifierLog": [ "Gender: Female - Value: 50%", "State: CA - Value: -10%", "Tuesday: 14:40 - Value: 10%" ], "weight": 9.75, "statusId": 1, "trackingURL": "", "campaignPhoneNumber": "+11234567890", "callToAction": "Call Now", "adResultCallStatusID": 1, "ctaLabel": "Request Info" } ]}
External Ad Networks Setup Optional
To integrate the following Ad Networks, MAO will need the following values.
Media Alpha