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Server Side

Request for Server Side

🌐 Endpoint:

⚙ HttpMethod: GET

📑 Response Format: JSON

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Generic Query String Parameters

  • LandingPageToken: This Token will be provided by your account manager

  • Device: Desktop or Mobile. Some 3rd Party AdNetworks or Private Exchange Campaigns might require this value to be provided when using Server Side integration

  • ClientIP: This is the user’s IP

  • CurrentURL: Optional, the URL where listings will be displayed

  • SourceID: Optional, tracking variable to be used at your convenience. MAO will track it and can be used for custom reporting

  • ExtClickID: Optional, tracking variable to be used at your convenience. MAO will track it and can be used for custom reporting

  • ExtSearchID: Optional, tracking variable to be used at your convenience. MAO will track it and can be used for custom reporting
  • UserAgent: Optional, Mozilla/() ()
  • CustomVar1: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
  • CustomVar2: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
  • CustomVar3: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
  • CustomVar4: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)
  • CustomVar5: Optional, tracking variable (Max length - 75)

Specific Query String Parameters for Education

Prams Name Data type Allowed Values
ZipCodestring 5 char US zip code
State*string 2 char US code (Uppercase)
AdPlacement*string Program Listings - Widget, Program Listings - Static
AreaOfStudy* String

Arts / Design / Fashion, Bootcamp, Business, Communication & Multimedia, Computers & IT, Cosmetology & Beauty, Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement, Culinary Arts & Hospitality, Education & Teaching, General Studies / Undecided, Health & Medical / Nursing, Legal Professions, Massage Therapy & Healing Arts, Political Science, Psychology & Social Work, Religious Studies, Sciences, Trades & Careers, Counseling, ANY

Concentration* string Arts / Design / Fashion

Design & Visual Communications, Fashion/Apparel Design, Film and Theater, Graphic Design, Industrial Design, Interior Design, Photography, Visual Arts, ANY


Data Analytics, Cyber Security, Coding, Software Engineering, General boot camp programs, Project Management, FinTech, Digital Marketing, UI-UX, Web Development, Scrum Master, Cloud Developer, ANY


Accounting & Related Services, Administrative & Secretarial Services, Business Communications, E-Commerce/Business, Economics, Entrepreneurship & Small Business, Fashion and Apparel, Finance, General Business, Green & Sustainable Management, Hospitality & Restaurants, Human Resources, Information Systems Management, International, Business, Management, Marketing, Property Management / Real Estate, Public & Non-Profit Administration, Public Relations, Retail & Sales, Supply Chain Management, Business Administration, Business Analytics, Business Intelligence, Organizational Leadership, Project Management, Taxation, ANY

Communication & Multimedia

Advertising, Animation & Video Graphics, Commercial & Advertising Art, Computer Media Applications, Design & Visual Communications, Film/Video & Cinematography, Graphic Design, Intermedia/Multimedia, Photography, Recording Arts Technology, Web Design, ANY

Computers & IT

Computer Science, Computer Support Services, Computer Systems Security, Networking, Software Development, Systems Administration, Telecommunications, Web Design and Internet, Analytics & Data Science, Engineering, Information & Library Sciences, Information Technology/Systems, Product Manager, ANY

Cosmetology & Beauty

Barbering/Barber, Cosmetology/Cosmetologist, Esthetician & Skin Care, Hair Styling & Hair Design, Make-Up Artist/Specialist, Manicurist/Nail Specialist, ANY

Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement

Correctional Officer (Prison Officer), Criminal Justice & Law Enforcement/Police, Fire Science, Forensics/Crime Scene Investigation, Homeland Security, Security Services, Criminal Justice, Criminology, ANY

Culinary Arts & Hospitality

Baking and Pastry Arts, Culinary Arts, Food Services, Hospitality Management, Restaurant & Food Services, Tourism & Travel Management, ANY

Education & Teaching

Administration & Leadership, Curriculum and Instruction, Early Childhood Education, Education and Teaching, General Education, Secondary Education, Educational Technology, Elementary Education, Music Education, Reading & Literacy, Special Education, Teaching, ANY

General Studies / Undecided

General Studies, History, Liberal Arts, Undecided, Writing, English, Foreign Languages, Sign Language, Philosophy, ANY

Health & Medical / Nursing

Alternative Medicine/Healing Arts, Bachelors of Nursing (BSN), Dental Assisting, Dental Hygienist, Diagnostic & Treatment Technician, General Nursing, Gerontology, Global Health, Health Information Technology/Records, Healthcare Administration, Human Services/Social Work, Medical Assistant, Medical Insurance Biller/Coder, Medical Office Assistant, Medical Transcriptionist, Nursing - DNP, Nursing - Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse Training (Certificate), Nursing - MSN, Nursing - Registered Nurse (AAS), Nursing - RN to BSN, Nursing Assistant (CNA), Personal Training / Nutrition, Pharmacy Technician/Assistant, Phlebotomy / Clinical Medical Lab. Technician, Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation, Psychology, Surgical Technologist, Ultrasound Technician, Veterinary Medicine, X-Ray/Radiologic Technician, Emergency Management, Nurse Education, Nurse Practitioner (RN Required), Public Health, Speech Pathology/Therapy, Entry-Level Healthcare Programs, Telehealth, Optical, Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery, Toxicology / Pharmacology, ANY

Legal Professions

Court Reporting, Juris Doctor, Legal Administrative Assistant, Legal Assistant/Paralegal, Legal Studies, ANY

Massage Therapy & Healing ArtsHealing Arts & Alternative Medicine, Massage Therapy, ANY
Political SciencePolitical Science, ANY
Psychology & Social Work

Business & Organizational Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Forensic Psychology/Crime Scene Investigator, General Psychology, Human Services/Social Work, Sport Psychology, Behavioral Psychology, Child Psychology, Educational Psychology, ANY

Religious StudiesChristian Studies, Ministry, Religious Studies, Theology, ANY

Anthropology, Biochemistry, Biology, Botany / Horticulture, Chemistry, Environmental Science / Ecology, General Sciences, Genetics, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Neurology / Physiology, Physics, Planetary / Astrology, Research, Zoologist

Trades & Careers

Aircraft Maintenance, Auto Mechanic, Autobody Repair, Aviation, CAD Drafting and Design, Computer Installation & Repair, Computer Systems Technology, Construction Management, Electrician, Engineering Technology/Technicians, HVAC, Laboratory Technician, Plumbing Technology/Plumber, Telecommunications Technology, Truck Driving, Welding Technology/Welder, ANY


Addictions & Recovery, Counseling, Family Counseling, Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, ANY



LearningPreference*string CAMPUS, ONLINE, HYBRID

Regionally Accredited, Nationally Accredited, Cacrep Accredited, Mpcac Accredited, AACSB Accredited, AAPC Accredited, ABA Accredited, ABET Accredited, ABHES Accredited, ACBSP Accredited, ACCET Accredited, ACCJC Accredited, ACCSC Accredited, ACEN Accredited, ACEND Accredited, ACICS Accredited, ACOTE Accredited, ACPSP Accredited, AHIMA Accredited, APA Accredited, ARC-PA, Accredited ARRT Accredited, ASHA Accredited, CAAHEP Accredited, CAHIIM Accredited, CAHME Accredited, CCNE Accredited, CEPH Accredited, COAMFTE Accredited, COE Accredited, CSWE Accredited, DEAC Accredited, HLC Accredited, IACBE Accredited, Institutionally Accredited, MSCHE Accredited, NAACLS Accredited, NASAC Accredited, NASP Accredited, NASPAA Accredited, NAVTA Accredited, NEASC Accredited, NECHE Accredited, NLNAC Accredited, NWCCU Accredited, SACSCOC Accredited, SACSOC Accredited, WSCUC Accredited, CAEP Accredited, CACREP Adherence


1 Year Program, 2 Year Program, 18 Month Program, Accelerated, Advanced Standig Option

ProgramRequirements*string NO GRE, NO GMAT, NO APPLICATION FEE
FName ±string
LName ±string
Email ±string
Phone ±string
Address ±string
City ±string

*Case Sensitive

** Program Ad Copy Allowed Values

±PII Fields

API Response

  • destURL: This is the Click URL. Please use the value from this field when a click is triggered.

  • impressionUrl: In the event that you are not planning to render all listings returned by this API you need to use this trigger. This is a call back URL to track live impressions. If a listing is displayed in your result set, please trigger the impressionUrl of that listing.

  • trackingURL: This is a Image Pixel to track leads or form submits from Clicks. This is optional to implement, but it is used to provide traceability from a click to a lead submit.

  • revenue: Actual payout per click based on bid modifiers.

  • baseRevenue: Base bid per click. It’ll vary based on bid modifiers.

  • bidModifierLog: The log that shows how the baseRevenue bid was modified.

  • advertiserName: The name of the advertiser - The ID of the advertiser

  • campaignPhoneNumber: A unique phone number assigned to the campaign to track and measure calls.

  • callToAction:: Text displayed on a clickable button or element, encouraging users to initiate a phone call.

  • ctaLabel: New Specifies the text displayed on the call-to-action button.

  • adResultCallStatusID: An ID representing the campaign’s call status, where:

IDStatusAllows calls
1Click To Call is ActiveTRUE
8Campaign is out of scheduleFALSE
13Click to Call Monthly Cap ReachedFALSE
14Click to Call Daily Cap reachedFALSE
15Click to Call is OffFALSE
16Campaign is offFALSE

Example response:

"brandName":"Advertiser Brand 2022 09 19 13.06",
"advertiserName": "Advertiser Name 01 - 486",
"displayName":"Campaign 2022 09 19 13.06",
"item":"> 50K Students",
"item":"Flexible Schedules",
"item":"Regionally Accredited",
"item":"Nationally Accredited",
"item":"CACREP Accredited",
"item":"MPCAC Accredited",
"item":"AACSB Accredited",
"item":"AAPC Accredited",
"item":"ABA Accredited",
"item":"ABET Accredited",
"item":"ABHES Accredited",
"item":"ACBSP Accredited",
"item":"ACCET Accredited",
"item":"ACCJC Accredited",
"item":"ACCSC Accredited",
"item":"ACEN Accredited",
"item":"ACEND Accredited",
"item":"ACICS Accredited",
"item":"ACOTE Accredited",
"item":"ACPSP Accredited",
"item":"AHIMA Accredited",
"item":"APA Accredited",
"item":"ARC-PA Accredited",
"item":"ARRT Accredited",
"item":"ASHA Accredited",
"item":"CAAHEP Accredited",
"item":"CAHIIM Accredited",
"item":"CAHME Accredited",
"item":"CCNE Accredited",
"item":"CEPH Accredited",
"item":"COAMFTE Accredited",
"item":"COE Accredited",
"item":"CSWE Accredited",
"item":"DEAC Accredited",
"item":"HLC Accredited",
"item":"IACBE Accredited",
"item":"Institutionally Accredited",
"item":"MSCHE Accredited",
"item":"NAACLS Accredited",
"item":"NASAC Accredited",
"item":"NASP Accredited",
"item":"NASPAA Accredited",
"item":"NAVTA Accredited",
"item":"NEASC Accredited",
"item":"NECHE Accredited",
"item":"NLNAC Accredited",
"item":"NWCCU Accredited",
"item":"SACSCOC Accredited",
"item":"SACSOC Accredited",
"item":"WSCUC Accredited",
"element":"Program Requirements",
"item":"NO GRE",
"item":"NO GMAT",
"element":"Program Length",
"item":"1 Year Program",
"item":"2 Year Program",
"item":"18 Month Program",
"item":"Advanced Standing Option",
"advertiserName":"Advertiser Name",
"programName":"Program Name",
"programDescription":"Program Description",
"destUrl":" Brand 2022 09 19 13.06&Title=&CB=abzOlnZByX2cFuqz9Mq5AQ==&M=4XarSvqYDCayCqZpzLZFSg==&Weight=20.00&BidModifiers=0&NetworkAdID=2196&SourceID=&LandingPageURL=&AdId=906&AdCopyVersion=1&CustomVar1=&CustomVar2=&CustomVar3=&CustomVar4=&CustomVar5=",
"campaignPhoneNumber": "+11234567890",
"callToAction": "Call Now",
"adResultCallStatusID": 1,
"ctaLabel": "Request Info"

Program Ad Copy

Response example for campaigns with program ad copy configured:

"programAdCopy": {
"customVar": [
"element": "Institution",
"items": [
"item": "Public",
"value": true
"element": "Profit",
"items": [
"item": "Non-Profit",
"value": true
"element": "Enrollment",
"items": [
"item": "> 50K Students",
"value": true
"element": "Benefits",
"items": [
"item": "Flexible Schedules",
"value": true
"constraints": [
"element": "Accreditations",
"items": [
"item": "Regionally Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "Nationally Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CACREP Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "MPCAC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "AACSB Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "AAPC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ABA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ABET Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ABHES Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACBSP Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACCET Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACCJC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACCSC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACEN Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACEND Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACICS Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACOTE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ACPSP Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "AHIMA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "APA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ARC-PA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ARRT Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "ASHA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CAAHEP Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CAHIIM Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CAHME Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CCNE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CEPH Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "COAMFTE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "COE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "CSWE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "DEAC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "HLC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "IACBE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "Institutionally Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "MSCHE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NAACLS Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NASAC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NASP Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NASPAA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NAVTA Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NEASC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NECHE Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NLNAC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "NWCCU Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "SACSCOC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "SACSOC Accredited",
"value": true
"item": "WSCUC Accredited",
"value": true
"element": "Program Requirements",
"items": [
"value": true
"item": "NO GRE",
"value": true
"item": "NO GMAT",
"value": true
"element": "Program Length",
"items": [
"item": "1 Year Program",
"value": true
"item": "2 Year Program",
"value": true
"item": "18 Month Program",
"value": true
"item": "Accelerated",
"value": true
"item": "Advanced Standing Option",
"value": true
"location": "Location",
"advertiserName": "Advertiser Name",
"programName": "Program Name",
"programDescription": "Program Description",
"imageUrl": ""

Response example for campaigns with program ad copy not configured:

"programAdCopy": {
"customVar": [
"constraints": [],
"location": "",
"advertiserName": "",
"programName": "",
"programDescription": "",
"imageUrl": ""

External Ad Networks Setup Optional

To integrate the following Ad Networks, MAO will need the following values.

Media Alpha

  • api_token
  • placement_id

  • pubcampaignId


  • Affcamid
  • Key


  • Src